White Out

White Out

Labor’s Australians First ad is a classic example of what can happen when you create a campaign without having a strategy behind it. The strategy would have asked important questions, like: Who is our target audience? What message do we want to communicate? What...
Selling Hope

Selling Hope

Every piece of marketing you produce should reinforce your brand values – from the design choices to the selection of messaging and copy, each element should reinforce the brand values in the mind of the customer. Most business either disregard brand values as being...
Write Your Manifesto

Write Your Manifesto

Lately one of the first things we’ve been getting our new clients to do is to write their manifesto. What’s that? It’s somewhere in between a vision statement and customer promise and it’s a quick way to help us determine what your unique value...

Does Advertising Work?

We’ve always told clients that advertising is what you do when you don’t have any better ideas. It’s slightly facetious, but we do know that the data says that advertising is becoming less and less effective as a channel. And this guy seems to agree...