The biggest challenge with direct marketing is developing assets that the customer will actually a) open and b) read. We all know that 99% of DM assets probably either go straight into the bin without being opened, or get opened, scanned in one second, and then thrown into the bin.

That said – direct marketing is still an important tactic in brand building for B2B – so our challenge is to design assets that will get opened and will get read – and, hopefully, will get actioned.

We recently faced that challenge with Mobicon Systems. They manufacture $350,000 pieces of heavy container handling equipment and we wanted to build brand awareness with people who handle shipping containers – mostly manufacturers, importers and exporters, and logistics companies. But how could we make sure what we sent them would get opened and read?

Enter – the Mobicon Pop Up Box.

Our creative director designed it to look like a shipping container. It flattens into an A5 envelope which is thick enough to hopefully pique the recipient’s interest. Once they open the envelope and extract the contents, the box POPS into three dimensions by itself (using a clever system of internal rubber bands).